For a younger, livelier, more attractive face...


What is a filling application?


It is a medical method used to get rid of unwanted lines that are formed over time, as well as for shaping purposes. Hyaluronic acid, which is present in the composition of the skin, supports the tissue in the dermis layer of the skin and provides moisture to the skin by retaining water thanks to collagen fiber clusters.


In our clinic, fillers that contain pure Hyaluronic acid are used for filling applications.


Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide found in all living beings. It is slowly absorbed by the body over time. Filling application is especially preferred in areas with a percentage deficiency of volume, in the treatment of wrinkles and for providing moisture to fine lines, and also to give the lips a more plump appearance.


How is the application performed and how long does it take?


It is injected into the area of application with the help of special needles or cannulas, which has been our most preferred method in the recent years. It is a process that takes less than half an hour as there is no need for pre-testing. With the help of a local anesthetic cream, skin anesthesia is administered before the application.


Are there any allergic concerns?


Fillers that contain Hyaluronic acid carry a very low risk for allergic reactions. Since these preparations, which are ready-made fillers, do not contain any animal substances and toxins, there is no risk of contagion.


What are the areas of application for fillers?


- The fine lines above the lips


- The lines extending from the edges of the nose to the edges of the lips


- The deep lines between the eyebrows


- To shape and plump up the lips


- The cheekbones


- Anywhere percentage volume, i.e. fullness is needed


- Forehead and temple areas


- To raise the eyebrows


- In rhinoplasty and for lifting the tip of the nose


- For repairing darker and more hollow areas under the eyes


- For repairing lines that extend from the edge of the mouth to the chin


- For chin augmentation


- In correcting the oval of the face



Is the procedure painful?


During the procedure, a short pain may be felt but it is temporary.


For how long do the effects of the application last?


The effects of the hyaluronic acid treatment may vary depending on the person's skin structure, lifestyle, age and how much change the person wants to make. But the duration of effectiveness is directly related to the amount and location of the filler applied. Superficially injected and moisturizing fillers last for 6-8 months; dermis fillings administered into the skin last for an average of 1 year; and volume fillings applied deep into the skin last for 18-24 months. The procedure can be repeated as required during this period.


Are there any side effects of the filling application?


After the injection, there may be a slight redness and swelling in the area of application. However, these symptoms disappear within 2-3 days. Patients can return to their daily activities after the injection.