Ozone Therapy
Slimming with Ultrashape
Weight Loss with Oxygen
Diet Programs
Metabolic Rate Measurement
Reflexotherapy - Starvac
Electrotherapy - Ultratone
Regional Thinning
Mesotherapy in Regional Slimming
Mesotherapy in Cellulite Treatment
Hair Loss Treatment
Regional Slimming with Lipolysis
Ozone Therapy
Ozone Therapy in Wound and Burn Treatment
Ozone Therapy for Circulatory Disorders and Wound Treatment
Ozonetherapy Treatment in Cancer
Ozonetherapy in Infectious and Virus Diseases
Ozonetherapy in Strengthening the Immune System
Ozone Therapy in Skin and Hair Diseases
Ozone Therapy in Cosmetics
Ozonetherapy for Chronic Fatigue and Stress
AntiAging And Ozone Therapy
Detox and Ozonetherapy
Ozonetherapy for Strengthening Intelligence and Memory
Ozone Therapy in Addiction Treatment and Smoking Cessation
Ozonetherapy for Correcting Sexual Functions
Ozonetherapy in Doping and Athlete Performance
Ozonetherapy in the Treatment of Other Diseases
In how many sessions is radiofrequency facelifting applied?
How is the radiofrequency facelifting procedure performed?
What are the points of consideration after fractional laser treatment?
How many days does the recovery period take after fractional laser treatment? What should the patient be careful about during this process?
Which applications can fractional laser treatment be combined with?
What is fractional laser facelifting, how is it applied?
Does the focused ultrasound method yield results immediately after the application?
What are some of the additional applications that increase the impact of the focused ultrasound method?
Who are most suitable for facelifting applications with focused ultrasound?
What is the operating mechanism of the focused ultrasound device? How does it benefit the skin?
How is the most suitable non-surgical facelift method determined for the patient?
What is Ultrashape, i.e. fat destruction with ultrasound?
How long does it take to see the first effects after the initial Ultrashape application?
Is it mandatory to stick to a diet program throughout the Ultrashape application?
Are the effects of the Ultrashape application permanent?
For whom is Ultrashape a suitable method?
How would it be possible to get rid of saggy skin and wrinkles with the radiofrequency method?
What is an appropriate duration for a radiofrequency session? How long does it take to see its effects?
What is the radiofrequency application, what are its effects?
What are the areas of use for mesotherapy?
How to choose the right clinic and the right specialist for a mesotherapy application
How can the mesotherapy application be used for localized weight loss treatment?
What kind of method is mesotherapy?
How is Lipolysis different from other alternative methods?